We have a new artist joining the Cabrera community. This Swedish couple made the leap and purchased a fantastic oceanview condo overlooking the coast and the village of Cabrera. Reino is a native of South America that has spent the last 17 years in Sweden. Nazreen is a native of Sweden and is a glass art artist. They were ready to get out of the cold and head for a warmer climate more suited to an active outdoor lifestyle.
They found their new tropical home in Cabrera Dominican Republic. This bargain-priced condo with million dollar views was perfect for Nazreen’s glass art studio because it included a detached building for his studio, which is pretty rare for an oceanview condo.
Lets meet Reino and Nazreen.
I suspect Nazreen will discover…..
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Everybody has their own reasons for trying out the expat life on a tropical island. Some just want a slower, less material pace of life. Others want to help less advantaged people. Some want to get out of the harsh, cold winters. Some want to live the good life with a lower cost of living. Then others just enjoy the uncrowded beaches and near perfect weather year-round. Some see it as a way to make new friends and become an active part of the community.
I would guess that our next guest fits in several of these categories and especially the last one. Will is a relatively new expat in Cabrera from Cleveland Ohio. As you will see in this video, Will not only settled into the community, but he also took on a leadership role in his homeowners association as a way to get to know more people in the community and to be an active participant rather than just a passive beneficiary of his move to Cabrera.
Let’s dig a little deeper into Will’s strategy and discuss how it might apply to you….
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Many Americans and Canadians would love to live the beach life in the Caribbean if they could only find a way to help supplement their income. Well the DR Escapes team may have a solution for one lucky expat. For less that what many of the one or two bedroom oceanfront condos cost, you could own your own 7 bedroom B&B or small destination wedding villa right on the ocean cliffs, overlooking the little village of Cabrera.
This really is a once in a lifetime discovery….
This ocean front villa is the perfect investment for someone that is willing….
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This article is about freedom. Freedom from the treadmill. Freedom from the erosion of your savings. Freedom from loss of control over your own destiny.
One of our expat friends recently shared a quote from Mark Twain, the famous American author of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn fame. It’s a simple quote, but like much of his works it packs a big message in few words.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do…. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
We’re raised from infants to follow the plan, follow the rules, march in a straight line and do what’s expected of us. It’s been pounded in our heads from the start. For most of us that meant going to school, getting a job, moving to a better job, then an even better job, buying as big a house as we could almost afford, borrowing, borrowing more, and paying our fair share (or more) of the taxes to pay for the whims and waste of the politicians. We were expected to scratch our way up the ladder and to blindly obey the rules set down by our politicians, bureaucrats, doctors and bosses. Funny thing, as we chased our way up the ladder, we paid more and more taxes. No accident there. But look what we got in exchange.

It keeps spinning as long as you’re willing to run on it. I suppose the better question might be is are you really getting anywhere.
Protection? After all, it’s so much easier to “manage and protect us” if we will just follow all the “rules”, walk in lockstep and stay focused on scratching our way up the tax ladder. Of course “rules” are necessary in society. They help maintain order and prevent chaos, but this structured system of “rules” has stifled the creativity and sense of adventure right out of many of us, either intentionally or unintentionally. Success has been measured socially as “how well we played the game”.
And in the good times…..
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Continuing our Retire On The North Coast series, we are taking a quick look at just a few of the daytrips out of Las Terrenas. Of course all of these daytrips would also be in reach of our Cabrera expats too. With the new roads over to Las Terrenas along Camino Cinco, highway 5, and up from the Santo Domingo international airport Las Terrenas has been opened up like never before. There are plenty of large beach front hotels and rental villas and even if you live in Cabrera, it make for an interesting vacation.
If you really like the European vibe and the flow of tourists, you may even choose to make Las Terrenas your homebase. There are plenty of real estate options in Las Terrenas, but in general they tend to be a little more expensive, on average, than Cabrera or Rio San Juan.
As I mention in the one of the Las Terrenas videos, I tend to prefer the location of Cabrera centrally located between Sosua and Cabarete to the west and Las Terrenas to the east. Just a little extra variety and less tourists than any of those tourist towns.
In this little adventure video, we will take a look at the national park with the Taino caves, Playa Rincon on end of the Peninsula, Las Galeras, Samana whale watching, and the El Limon waterfalls.
What do you think………..
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Continuing our series on towns you might prefer for either retirement of for a vacation home, we head from Cabrera to Las Terrenas on the Samana Peninsula. Of course we prefer Cabrera as a quiet and peaceful retirement destination, but there is also something pretty special about Las Terrenas.
It used to take hours to get to Las Terrenas from the international airport in Santo Domingo, and it was a grueling drive through congested towns full of crazy drivers. When they built the new highway up from the airport to the Samana Peninsula it cut almost 4 hours off the trip. Of course that same road made it faster to get to Cabrera too.
So what’s so special about Las Terrenas and why would anyone want to make it their home base here on the North Coast?
Well, the first thing you’ll love about the whole Samana Peninsula, Las Terrenas included, is just how natural and almost rustic the whole area is. There are probably a dozen great daytrips out of Las Terrenas, each more beautiful and natural than the last. Of course the most popular is the trip over the mountain to Samana to watch the humpback whales courting and mating out in the huge Bay of Samana. Between about January 15 and March 20 they say that up to 10,000 humback whales call the Bay of Samana home. Boat trips out into the bay for whale watching are a popular pastime.
But that is not the only attraction of Las Terrenas…. it is the best place to get a full dose of European flair and culture……
Speaking of European culture…..
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