
Lately There Seems To Be a Sense That All’s Fine

I was welcoming some recent relocates to Cabrera when an interesting question was fielded in my direction. I’m assuming it’s because of the amount of foreigners I encounter they felt they’d receive a well-rounded viewpoint for an answer. At some point during our dialog one of them raised the question “Have you noticed there seems […]

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The Rat Race Part 2

Now that Hurricane Irma has passed and most of our cleanup is completed I’m able to continue with part 2 of the Rat Race. Moving forward it’s the second aspect the “why we can’t just now” group that’s a bit more complex. It’s this second group that has several more variances accompanying it. More obstacles […]

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Hurricane Irma Preparations – Different Attitudes – Different Experience

Luckily Cabrera Dominican Republic ultimately did not get hit with the full force of Hurricane Irma, but who knew for sure in advance. These giant storms are serious matters and I suppose you can never be over prepared. It is interesting though to note how differently people in different countries cope with the experience. In […]

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IRMA’s On Her Way

With a 90% chance of at least receiving a strong tropical storm it amazes me how people just seem to take these things for granted. Having weathered many Cyclones and Hurricanes I know! I know what they are capable of doing. Roof tin becomes flying razor blades in anything above a cat 3 rating. I’ve […]

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The Rat Race Part 1

In my previous post I noted that I’d be following up with some light hearted examples of what it looks like from our side of the counter. You know those of us viewing the box from the outside in. To get things rolling I’d thought for my first attempt I’d select the subject of “The […]

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We’re All Heading In The Same Direction

Before commencing with the subject matter of this post I’d like to mention a few topics that I hope will promote clarity for what follows. I first want to share what over the past six years have become new found realities. Why six years? Because that’s how long I’ve been meeting people through DR Escapes. […]

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Fear The Primary Weapon

It’s been said there are only two primary emotions love and fear and every other emotion we experience is just an offshoot of these two primary emotions. It’s also been said that whatever is love cannot be fear and the same holds true for the opposite. Keep this in mind when continuing further into this […]

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We Are Doomed!!!

A subscriber recently sent me this YouTube. In forwarding the Tube his comment was “Barry you’re gonna get a good laugh at this one”. I receive several emails a day from subscribers and do try my best to read each one. With that being said this one was no exception. He was right I had […]

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I heard Some News Today

I heard some news today about two families that came to our area of the DR and have since left. One of these families had been here for about a year and the other spent over three. Now people coming and going is nothing new to me and it does happen everywhere on this planet. […]

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I Was Wrong

Not a day goes by and once again I’m reminded of why we find ourselves in the situations that we do. Bankrupt Governments and failing economies are merely the effects. Why is it no one seems to ask the correct questions. The cause questions and the cause questions often start with the word WHY. The […]

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