Expats Making A Difference – Fighting Flood And Fires

Have you been watching the weather news? For several weeks now rather steady rains have been pounding much of the North Coast of the Dominican Republic. As expected, the result is plenty of flooding in the low lying towns along the coast and even the lower elevations in larger cities like Santiago. Last estimates I […]

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The Boogey Man And False Flag Panics – Fear Porn At Its Finest

Oh my God… the violence is everywhere and getting closer and closer to home. Our safety and security is crumbling around us. Terror cells and deranged armed assailants are moving into our towns and neighborhoods. It is only a matter of time before they are banging on our doors too. We need protection? We need […]

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Need Your Help – Can You Help Me Tell The Montaña y Mar Story

We set out today to create a short little introduction video about our Montaña y Mar Ocean View project but quickly figured out how difficult it is to say a lot in so few words.  We took our first shot at it, but we need your help.  Does the little video get the message across or do […]

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James Wesley Rawles Says Expatriation May Be The Best Option

We recently had an opportunity to interview James Wesley Rawles about a wide range of hot topics hitting the news and internet in anticipation of the upcoming US presidential elections. If you are not familiar with Jim’s career, he is a very widely followed author and blogger on survival, political and precious metals investment topics. […]

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James Wesley Rawles On The US Presidential Elections

The upcoming US Presidential election is certainly the top topic on the internet and in the news these days.  Perhaps even more important than the individual policies of the president, this election cycle is likely to shape the very foundation of the law in the US for the next decades through Supreme Court appointments. While […]

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2nd Passport Path Through Permanent Residency In The Dominican Republic

A 2nd passport is an insurance policy against political and economic turmoil.  As we have discussed in the past, a second passport and citizenship in some country other than your home country is a fundamental step toward true personal liberty. Why?  Because a 2nd passport gives you a legal pass out of your own borders […]

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Erosion Of America’s Foundation – How Do You Handle Change?

Have you ever considered how you handle change?  Obviously we have a bit of an exaggerated perspective because many of the people we interact with are considering a rather significant change in lifestyle and location.   And interestingly, it seems that people have a little easier time with the decision-making part of change when they are […]

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Crime In The Dominican Republic – Is It Really Worse Than Back Home

We routinely hear “I want to take the free DR Escapes North Coast Discovery Tour and I want to find out if I should retire or move my family offshore.  But FIRST, is the Dominican Republic safe?” I can’t tell you how often we get asked this question by people that are considering a visit […]

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Rogue Money – Rebirth Of Nationalism – Out With Merkel And The Globalists

V of Rogue Money offers a very clear and encouraging perspective about the current state of the world. Counter to the typical doom and gloom offered by so many pundits, V sees the positive potential for a renewed nationalism that might slow or reverse the crazy slide toward a one-world government. In addition to his […]

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Rogue Money Says The West Is Run By Emasculated Feminized Neo Nazis – Dollar Doomed

V of Rogue Money is highly critical of the government mismanagement in the United States and most European countries. He contends that western governments are essentially run by a bunch of emasculated, feminized neo-Nazis. In part two of our three part interview with Rougue Money, V lays out a rather clear picture of why current […]

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