Continuing On Our New Highway Discovery Tour – Rio San Juan To San Francisco de Macoris

It seemed like it would be simple enough to hop in the truck and check out the new highway they are carving across the hilltops between Rio San Juan on the North Coast and San Francisco de Macoris in the central region.  After all, how difficult can it be.  Well believe it or not, it […]

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Come Explore The Latest Major Highway Opening Up The North Coast

If you have followed this blog any time at all, you know that we will never pass up an opportunity to go exploring new territory, especially if it means we can throw it in 4-wheel drive.  One of the other things that makes living on the north coast so interesting for us is watching progress […]

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It’s Natural Law and We Don’t Matter

Since the events of Paris took place a lot of emails have been coming in asking various questions. Most of these questions revolve around two subjects. One obviously deals with safety. The second subject kind of surprised me. Several people have brought up the previously mentioned hockey stick uptick in violence. Several pointed out how […]

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Over Time Look What’s Become of Us

It’s a sad state of affairs when societies have been demoralized to the point that a citizen’s self-worth is determined by their amount of consumption. “I am what I do or I am what I own” tends to be the modern day belief of one’s value. In spite of what you think as long as […]

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Finally, Let’s Take A Look At More Cabrera Real Estate

So many of you readers have been asking for more examples of the kinds of real estate investments you can expect to find down here in the little village of Cabrera.  Finally, Johnny and I had a little time off to hit the road and share some of what we are finding.  In this post […]

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Dr. Ben Carson: Because We’re Smart”

I recently received an excellent YouTube from a long time subscriber. This YouTube consists of Dr. Ben Carson conducting a prayer breakfast speech hosting several influential patrons including Barack and Michelle Obama. Dr. Carson briefly talks about his history which includes how he was raised in extreme poverty. As to how he amounted into becoming […]

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The Meaning of Life

It’s not often that some tidbit of information clearly answers a perplexing question. The perplexing question I’m referring to is what is the meaning of life? To date it’s been one of the most commonly asked questions mystifying people since… well since the beginning of time. To varying degrees at one time or another we’ve […]

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A Few Thoughts About Homesickness

I’ve been asked several times about the following. “After relocating does anybody ever suffer from becoming homesick” As a person who could understand this feeling perhaps better than most I thought I’d explore a few traditional avenues of what being homesick really is all about. Homesickness is a subject not as simple as most people […]

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Understand Time and Perhaps You’ll Understand People

As I was drinking my morning coffee under the shade tree a not so rare thought came back for another repeat visit. I asked myself once again. Why are the vast majority of people we meet wanting to slow down the pace of their lives yet before they even relocate they’re already preplanning ways to […]

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Reality Check Final Quarter 2015

Those of you who’ve been reading my blog for any length of time should be familiar with several unflinching statements that appeared in prior posts. For well over three years I’ve made several bold statements that initially sent numerous hate mails to my inbox by the closed minded fast to react personalities. It’s taken it’s […]

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