Early Retirement – Retire Overseas And Experience A Rich Culture

Early retirement in general and retiring overseas specifically may be part of the formula for living a longer and more fulfilled life.  There is something invigorating and a bit challenging about making a major transition to life in a foreign country.  Most people find that it changes their perspective on many different fronts.  You are […]

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Early Retirement – Retire Overseas – Never Too Old Never Too Young

Early retirement is only for people that want to live life to its fullest before they are too tired, too old, too sick or too broke to enjoy the experience.  But amazingly, that has very little to do with chronological age.  On our free North Coast Discovery Tours I routinely meet people of all ages […]

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Early Retirement – Retire Overseas To Squeeze More Life Out Of Your Dollar

Early retirement is still possible for the average American or Canadian when you choose to retire overseas.   Unfortunately, statistics show that many Americans are destined to a retirement of poverty unless they can change their ways.  For many there still may be a better alternative to a traditional retirement in the United States.  The […]

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Early Retirement – Retire Overseas Where It Is Still Affordable

Early retirement is still possible for the average American or Canadian when you choose to retire overseas.  There is probably not a week that goes by that I don’t receive at least one email or question about whether it is still feasible to retire early and live a good life on the North Coast of the […]

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Retire Oveseas – Early Retirement – It’s a Lifestyle, Not a Vacation

Retire overseas to re-awaken memories, feelings and experiences that have probably been buried dormant under your busy work-a-day lifestyle for decades.  Even in today’s economy, early retirement is still a viable alternative when you open your mind to retirement overseas.  For many of you, that re-awakening will fall somewhere between a “breath of fresh air” […]

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Fear Prevents Life Not Death

I want you to think about something and if you do I promise it will be worthwhile. Might even be the most valuable time you ever expended…EVER! I want you to ask yourself an important question. But before we get to the BIG question, there are two gut-check questions you need to answer first.  If answering either of […]

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Dominican Republic Carnival 2015 – Wish We Could Have Stayed The Night

Dominican Republic Carnival 2015 in La Vega was a big hit.  The costumes were stunning, the masks more than a little scary and the crowds truly into the moment.  All I can say is that they definitely know how to run a safe and fun event that entertains around 100,000 hard partying Carnival goers crammed […]

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Dominican Republic Carnival 2015 – Let The Party Begin

The 2015 Dominican Republic Carnival at La Vega is hitting its stride in parts 3 and 4 of our Carnival 2015 video series.  Many of the costumes and masks you will see at Carnival are simply amazing.  I would be willing to bet that some of these costumes have hundreds of hours of loving attention […]

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Dominican Republic Carnival 2015 – Off To La Vega

Follow us to the 2015 La Vega Carnival. If you have never experienced Carnival face to face you have missed quite a spectacle. Due to scheduling conflicts we were only able to catch some of the daytime events this year, but I believe the videos we shot in those few hours will give you a […]

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Independence Day in the Dominican Republic

It seems that we just said goodbye to our last group of visitors. Just when I thought I’d be able to catch up on a few things another event takes place that the DR Escapes team thought you’d all like to know more about. Yes it’s that time of year again. The time is Independence […]

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