Canadian Expats Let Us Tour Their Small B&B In Cabrera Dominican Republic

So what will an expat do once they move to their new tropical home in Cabrera.  As you know from our many interviews there are dozens of opportunities for expats to offer goods and services to other expats and to the local population.  And if commerce is not your thing, you met a Tennessee family […]

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Modern Hospital Serves Cabrera Expats – Local Doctor Explains Specialties

Expat healthcare services at Cabarete Medical Center (CMC) are high quality and cover most of the specialties you would find in any community hospital in the US.  In fact, one of the US surgeons providing charity services through this hospital affirmed that the quality of care and the facilities in CMC are right on par with any comparable […]

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Expat Healthcare Insurance Accepted At Hospital Near Cabrera Dominican Republic

Great news…. expats have various options for healthcare insurance coverage at this nearby modern hospital that comes so highly recommended by local expats.  On our recent visit to Cabarete Medical Center (CMC) we took a few minutes to interview the director responsible for international insurance coverage at CMC.   In the interview below, she covers all […]

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Thumbs Up For New Hospital Near Cabrera – US Doctors Like What They See

Quality healthcare at an affordable price is crucial for most families choosing the expat lifestyle.  We took a morning to visit one of the newest north coast hospitals, the Cabarete Medical Center (CMC).  We have heard repeatedly other expats raving about the quality and the cost of care at this modern new hospital and we […]

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The Truth May Scare You… But Only If You Think About It

I’m currently on a Caribe Tours bus heading towards the Capitol. A DR Escape’s member emailed me a link about a series of videos called “The Truth May Scare You” and I’ve linked one of them below this post. Since nothing much occurs while on the bus voyage I decided to plug in my ear […]

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French Canadian Expats Swap Snow For Tropical Sand

So what will a French Canadian find if they choose to bail out of the cold winters up north and come down to Cabrera Dominican Republic? It’s best to ask a French Canadian family that did just that. I’d like to introduce you to Caroline (Canadian attorney) and Toney (serial Canadian entrepreneur) and their young […]

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French Canadian Family Starts A Business In Cabrera – I Guess They Like It Here

We stopped by and chatted with Caroline and Toney, newly relocated French Canadians, that have chosen to move their family down to Cabrera Dominican Republic. Never one to let an opportunity slip by, Toney got the entrepreneurial itch to start his first business in the Dominican Republic when he and Caroline decide to purchase an […]

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Florida Expat Teens Loving The Tropical Island Life

So what do a couple Florida teens and their younger sister think about their family’s decision to become expats in Cabrera Dominican Republic?  The team interview these two teens at their new tropical home to find out about how they are liking their new school, their neighbors, new friends and life in general.  Many American and […]

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Florida Expats Learn What FAMILY Really Means When They Move To Cabrera Dominican Republic

If you grew up in the United States or Canada and can still remember what it was like years ago when you actually knew your neighbors and when it was safe to let your kids play on their own… then you may appreciate what T Le Mont and Karen have to say about what they […]

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Florida Expats, Internet Entrepreneurs Make The Move To Cabrera

You have to meet this family when you visit the Cabrera area.  T Le Mont, with his wife Karen and their three school aged kids, packed up and left Florida, ultimately landing in their newly adopted home in Cabrera Dominican Republic.  An internet entrepreneur, T Le Mont already knew that all he needed was a […]

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