Preppers Checklist – Anything Missing From Your Bugout Bag?

Let’s just suppose the SHTF and the dollar collapses. I bet you are missing several key survival tools from your preppers checklist. Have you covered all the bases to keep your family safe in a total financial collapse of the dollar… and the turmoil that will follow? Do you have a realistic contingency plan that […]

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Canadian Expats Trade Their Snowshoes For Sandals In Cabrera Dominican Republic

This Canadian expat surely qualifies for the longest commute to work. Our latest video interview of French Canadian expats, Claude and Marie Josee, is interesting in a lot of ways. They have proven that you can get to the tropics if you want it bad enough. In the process they have also started their own […]

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Expat B&B Success In Cabrera Dominican Republic

Living overseas can be the best experience of your life… if you do it right.  Just like anywhere else, the better you get to know the area and the people… the richer the experience.  One of the things we recommend to many of the people that decide to come visit the north coast of the […]

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Florida Expat Surprised By Healthcare Experience In Cabrera Dominican Republic

Healthcare concerns are probably one of the most common concerns I hear from people thinking about expatriation to the Dominican Republic.  I understand the concern and have made it a mission to explore the experiences of other expats in the Cabrera area.  Luckily I have not had the need to really test the system out myself […]

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Expat Small Business Opportunities In Cabrera Dominican Republic – NOW Is the Time

Want to start a small business on a tropical island?  Need a way to help fund your retirement or your escape from the craziness in financially bankrupt first world countries? NOW may be the PERFECT time on the north coast of the Dominican Republic.   In this video interview we will pick an expats brain after living on […]

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Florida Expat Starts A Successful Charter Fishing Business in Cabrera Dominican Republic

Are there real opportunities for expats to own and operate small businesses on the north coast of the Dominican Republic?  Short and simple…Yes… there are many small business opportunities for expats relocating to the Cabrera Dominican Republic area.  Over the next couple months, in a series of videos, we will introduce you to a number of expats from […]

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Dollar Collapse Freedom Vaporizing, Air and Food and Water Contaminated, WTF is Going On Here!

Not a day goes by now that you’re not being bombarded with news reflecting the following subjects. The inevitable death of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency is getting closer. Sporadic senseless violence being an everyday occurrence and is spreading across the nation. Violence by police on the citizens is now considered the […]

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Will Riots In America Will Be The Worst In The World

Will the impending riots in America be the worst in the world? No one knows for sure but the research I’ve done sure seems to back that up as being a strong possibility. Recently several of my readers have referred me information on that very subject… “The upcoming riots in America.” According to them beyond […]

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Big Government Militarism of The Police Force

Is big Government changing the roll of the nation’s police forces? Are you noticing that police are starting to resemble the military more than a force that was originally designed “to protect and serve” as their motto states? I have to rely on you folks to help me out with this one. I just don’t […]

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Expatriate to Cabrera Dominican Republic… REALLY?

Expatriate to Cabrera Dominican Republic… REALLY?  From time to time I receive questions and concerns about expatriation. While I respect the cautious attitude and concerns that come with expatriation, these are easy to address as I’ve done in my reply that’s pasted below. I’ve mentioned several times on past posts the DR is not for […]

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